Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Seek Ye First...

I wrote this about a week ago (originally dated 4/28) and didn't publish it. I do that sometimes. It's my private journal, so to speak. However, tonight at First Wednesday, the speaker, Stovall Weems, also referred to Matthew 6, so I thought maybe I should publish it now!

At church, we're in a series called "Kingdom Builders." Yesterday, Pastor Matt referred to Matthew 6. The passage is familiar to most of us. The highlights for me were "Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be" and "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." I was reminded that all I have to do is give God priority in my life and he will give me exactly what I need. The love I need. The peace I need. The wealth I need. The joy I need. He's ready to give me everything I need, if only I would give Him everything He needs--priority! I don't need to worry or get stressed out. I just need to give God first place and He's ready to give it. What an awesome promise of God!

Father, You are such an awesome God! I just thank you for who you are. I thank you for promising me that if I just put you first, you will give me everything I need...everything! Help me to always give you priority in my life. Even when I get busy, Lord, lay that desire on my heart above all else. I love you Father and give you all the honor and praise! In Jesus' name...Amen!


Anonymous said...

What an awesome testimomy and desire!
Love you,

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing. What a challenge.

Anonymous said...

Don't you love it when God gives you confirmation like that? How great is our GOD!!!!!
Love you,
Amanda (:0)