Monday, February 18, 2008

Waiting Game!

We went for my weekly doctor's appointment this morning and saw Dr. Chawla, who's one of my favorites. She let us know that I am 1.5 (almost 2) centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. She thinks I may deliver this week. YEAH!! If I have not delivered by Friday, I go back in for another ultrasound and some more tests...just to be sure that Eli is still doing okay in there. She also asked me if I wanted to try to move this along a little by letting her "strip my membranes." I declined as we are trying to go as natural as possible and avoid any interventions...and I've heard it's painful and I'm really wanting to avoid unecessary pain! :) She asked how we felt about being induced. I let her know that we are wanting to proceed as naturally as possible and would like to wait a little longer before inducing. So, she let us know we can wait until Friday, Feb. 29th, but no later! Here's to hoping Eli makes his appearance on his own very soon! We'll keep you posted. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers! Love you all!


Amy said...

I will continue to pray... God is in control even when it doesn't seem like it. You are doing a great job keeping such a positive attitude. Keep it up, it helps more than you realize!

Anonymous said...

I am bursting with excitement and checking your blog a zillion times a day! Can't wait!
Love you, miss you,

Anonymous said...

We can't wait! I am so proud of you and want to tell you this. You and Matt can do this! Remember all that you have decided and stand strong. There is a plan and it will be the right plan after all the labor is completed and little Eli is here. Take care and WALK! I understand that helps bring babies to delivery.
Hey Jacob!!!
We love you all,
Mema and Papa

Anonymous said...

was just checking in with you to see if you had gone yet. You know you were due on my B'day and I planned on little Eli's arrival at that time!
listen girl, one word for you.....epidural!!!!!!!!!!!
natural is great in juices and clothing....but, a little drugs in delivery can feel like a gift from God, LOL.......... just joking around here
You're one of the strongest willed people I know, so I have no doubt things will proceed well.
they 'stripped' me at a visit and I went into FULl labor before I even got home and delivered within 2 hours. alittle close for comfort by the time I got back to the hospital!
I'll be thinking of you. It is so exciting!

Mary Burnett said...

We're thinking about you. I hope to see a picture of my new nephew and his parents sometime before the weekend! Ask Matt to send me a text if he can when you guys finally head into the hospital. I'll be at a conference Thursday and Friday and my internet access will be limited! Take care- you will be great! Mary

Anonymous said...

Still no baby? He is taking his sweet time! Thinking about you,