Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why weight to celebrate?

Today I celebrated early.  I've been working hard toward a goal since Valentine's Day and I'm almost there.

Last fall I went to the OB/GYN for my usual yearly exam.  I was already dreading the appointment.  Men, forgive me, but all the ladies understand that this is not a highly anticipated get-together with the doctor!  During my before-the-actual-poking-and-prodding sit down discussion in her office, the doctor mentioned that since I'm not getting any younger, it was recommended that I get a complete workup.  So, following her advice, I had the complete workup along with aforementioned poking-and-prodding.  Fun!

At the follow up visit, the doctor pointed out slightly elevated cholesterol and my more that slightly elevated weight!  "Yea, doc...I know, I'm fluffy!  I've had two babies.  What do you want from me?"  She discussed her concerns and I made exceptions and excuses in my head.  As I left her office, I pushed it all to the back of my mind.

Well, I'm not sure about you, but when I push things to the back of my mind, they always seem to try to push their way back to the front.  That nagging thought from the doctor's office, the clothes staring at me from the closet that were still too tight almost a year after delivering the second baby, and my general unhappiness with my reflection all lead up to what happened on Valentine's evening.   At 6:30, I walked into my first Weight Watchers meeting.  Five months and lots of hard work later, I am down 37 pounds; I'm 4.4 pounds from my goal; and those clothes that taunted me are now too big!

So, today I celebrated.  Tired of the threat of pants falling to my knees, gathered waistbands from belts pulled super tight, and baggy, shapeless shirts, my mom and I went the outlet stores for some new threads in some smaller sizes.  We hit the Eddie Bauer Outlet, the Bass Outlet, Ann Taylor Outlet, and more.  I don't know about you, but this is what a weight loss celebration looks like for me.

Can I just say that the celebration was made all the sweeter when I got all that plus 4 pairs of underwear (not pictured--some things just aren't meant to be shared) and two candles for less than $200.  Yeah, me!!

And, just a warning to those last 4.4 pounds:  Don't get comfortable.  You're on the way out!!


Anonymous said...

That's what I'm talking about!
Cheers to you!

Anonymous said...

Who's that woman that left a comment? Don't reconize her name! Sorry!!!

Amy said...

Whoah, Jennifer, that is amazing! I am so proud of you. Way to go sticking to your goal. Those last pounds will be off in no time. You're so motivating!!!

Lora said...

congratulations! i'm doing weight watchers now to get off my baby weight, too. it really is a great program. way to go on almost reaching your goal. that's awesome! (found your blog through amy eckert's) your boys are adorable! blessings, lora