Friday, February 27, 2009

Get one while supplies last!

The classic, nostalgic toy...


Not sold in stores!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

First Birthday!

I can't believe it's already been a year. It seem like just yesterday we were going to birth classes, and nesting awaiting little Eli's arrival. Although he waited until I was about to pop was eleven days late, he's certainly living life to it's fullest now! It's been a great year. Eli is such a joy. He is a sweet, funny, determined, energetic, friendly little guy who loves his family, going outside, playing with bubbles, and animals of all kinds. Simply put, he is a blessing!

Happy First Birthday, Eli! We love you so much!

Monday, February 23, 2009

It's just around the corner...

This is the invitation I made for Eli's birthday party. I can't believe it's this weekend already. Which means his birthday is THURSDAY! OH, MY!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

A little something to tide you over!

Ok, thanks for the prayers. As of right now, the beloved laptop is functioning normally (just with a crazy-strange desktop background--nothing like opening up to a big flashing WARNING sign). So, I thought I'd upload some recent pictures and video. I'm terrified of losing everything and this blog may not only be my expressive outlet, but it just might function as my picture/video backup, too!

Disclaimer: This post is only for hard-core Sloan family fans. In other words, here come the pictures!!!

Yes, that is the "Cops" theme song in the background. You never know what "The 90s" music channel will provide!

By the way, the next time I mention wanting new digi-scrapbook papers, somebody tell me NO DOWNLOADS! Or, tell my husband to give me some money for the "hobby fund" PS...there's no such thing as a hobby fund at our house. I just made it up! But it sounds like a good idea!

Bloggy Break

Hi, all!

I just wanted to stop in to let you know that I will taking a bloggy break. If you haven't noticed, I started the break about a week ago. Our computer is really, really sick. My hubby doesn't think we'll be able to anything except wipe it clean and start over. I know, it's sad, what with the beloved downloaded games and scrapbook stuff that I seem destined to lose. And, of those downloads is what caused all this. Ooops! So, if you have a minute or two, I'd love for you to pray for the complete recovery of my beloved laptop, because life isn't the same without it. ;)

I hope to be back in commission by the big first birthday that is coming up! Until then...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The downloading is infectious (or delayed birthday wishes)

Thanks to the extended digital scrapbook freebies downloading session I held yesterday, my beloved laptop became infected with a virus or spyware or malware or whatever-ware which prevented me from extending some much deserved birthday wishes on time! So, in the spirit of "better late than never" here's to my hubby!

Because you let me know you completely
because you are still a mystery

Because you do not wish to change me
because you have changed me forever

Because you see the good and true in me
because you forgive all else in me

Because you are not who I expected to love
because you are just who I need to love

Because you gave me beautiful yesterdays
because you promise me beautiful tomorrows

Because you asked for my hand
because I gave you my heart

(thanks to Hallmark...cause I care enough to send the very best)