Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

These are the wonderful fathers in my life. Pictured here are my father-in-law, who plays a mean game of Scattergories and raised my hubby (for which he should receive some award or prize); my Daddy who has believed in me and encouraged me for these past 31 years, and my hubby, who is an outstanding Daddy to our boys. These men have been such a blessing in my life and I just wanted to take a moment to say THANKS! FOR! EVERYTHING!! I love you all more than words can say!

Although these men are awesome earthly fathers, I have another Father, a Heavenly Father. He knows everything about me and yet He still loves me. He created me and I am fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. He loves me with an everlasting love simply because I am His child. He's my Provider, my Encourager, my Healer, my Comforter, my Strength, my Peace, and my Hope. My God is an incredible Father and on this Father's Day, if you don't know Him as your Father, please take some time to get to know him. Click here to learn more about Him and His love for you!

Happy Father's Day!


Nicole Collins said...

What a great reminder of taking time out today for our Heavenly Father. Thanks!